♬/blockparty 2019. 9. 7. 09:57

Orbit + Carol Hall : The Beat Goes On

Genre : Rap / Hip-hop
Hometown : USA
Orbit + Carol Hall - The Beat Goes On (82)


Kilo Ali - And The Beat Goes On (90)

♬/sunny june 2019. 8. 15. 16:45

Shalamar : A Night to Remember

Genre : Funk / Soul / Disco / Boogie
Hometown : LA, USA

Shalamar : A Night to Remember (82)

Mary J. Blige : A Night to Remember [Think Like a Man Too] 14

♬/made in 80's 2016. 10. 7. 17:04

김국환 : 눈물실은 은하철도

Genre : korean adult contemporary

Hometown : Korea
김국환 - 눈물실은 은하철도 82

어릴때부터 이유없이 김국환 아저씨 진짜 좋아했다.

♬/made in 80's 2016. 5. 30. 16:47

中原めいこ(나카하라메이코) : ジゴロ(지고로)

Genre : Citypop / Jpop 
Hometown : Japan

中原めいこ(나카하라메이코) - ジゴロ(지고로) [friday magic] 82

中原めいこ(나카하라메이코) - fantasy [friday magic] 82

80년대는 사랑입니다.

♬/blockparty 2012. 7. 26. 21:36

luftballons vs crash

Genre : rock / newwave
Hometown : France

nena - 99 luftballons [nena] 82

뭔가 비슷해

Genre : alternative rock

Hometown : USA

the primitives - crash [lovely] 88